Is binge-watching bad for you?

Binge-watching (watching tv or others screens for a lot of hours, usually the same show) is bad for people because it can cause some health problems to them. These are eyes issues such as Myopia or not focusing well, obesity because of not burning calories and insomnia. Also, it can cause diabetes and heart diseases.


 Today the weather from the morning was cloudy  it was not raining. As soon as I started going to school it rained a lot and I got like a duck 🦆

Email to Mr Johnson.

Dear Mr. Johnson.

It is okay that we lost our training last weekend due to rain, so we surely need to find a new time.

I think that it’s better to do our training on Sunday because I have some things to in Friday after school. That’s why I can not attend our training if we do it on Friday.

I believe that it is a great idea to do it two times a week training so we can win the cup finals easily.

I have read that bananas really help our brain and body to get better and stonger without a lot of work. So bananas are a good choice.

please reply soon.




One day at school

It was raining heavily when Peter left for school

on the way he met his friends.Τhey went to school and went in for a lesson.                                                                     

The day is boring, the children were having a good time only  at break.

During the break the children play cards and a ball.

Finally they left school, the weather was rainy again but they took their umbrella and left.



its raining

It was raining heavily when Peter left for school.peter was scary and left school quickly.Then the rain starded to fall too much and it flooded and the school kids and generally everyone drowned and die.

The next morning everything was carpeted with mud and rubbish but fortunately everything went well.

a strange dream

It was raining heavily when Peter left for school it was night and he returned to school because he had forgotten his umbrella the school. He went inside the class and he saw it under his desk. Peter found that. Quickly they left the class. suddenly they saw that the school door was closed.  he heard a thunderbolt. he started to cry but suddenly a man appeared. the boy started to run but he caught him. he started to scream and…….

The alarm rang and quickly he woke up and the thing that was a strange dream

Perers dream.

It was raining heavily when Peter left for school.

The sky was pouring with rain, a thunderstorm hit a tree and burned it peter was scared and he felt alone. But then he saw it it was a friend of his he said greetings. Then they headed for the school.

When they finally arrived at school it was locked, they were so confused then peter saw the time and it was not saying anything then he realized it was all a dream, in the end, his mom said to go to school it’s 7 in the morning.

Extreme weather condition in places of various countries

Various extreme weather events happen in many parts of the world. In Germany, there have been many floods, the amazon forest fires, in the USA heat waves and tornadoes. Also, many forest fires took place in Italy, Turkey, and Greece last summer. Finally, tsunamis appeared mainly in areas of the pacific ocean such as Jasah.


    It was a hot🥵and sunny☀️  summer’s🏖 day as Emm👱🏻‍♀️and her family👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 sailed out of the harbour.They were going to Kavala for holidays.Later,they went out to see the beautiful view🌅.

      Suddenly,the sky 🌌started to get dark.The waves 🌊 were growing all the time.They went inside because they were scared 😱.After half an hour⏱ the things got better.They went for shopping 🛍 and they brought some things to eat🍽,because they were hungry 😋.

        When they had ate🍠they went for a walk🚶🏻‍♂️🚶🏻‍♀️.They were near the harbour,when it started to rain 🌧 and to throw lighting🌩and thunders⚡️.Everything around was scary👹.It was so windy 🌬,that the ship 🛳couldn’t enter the harbour.

         They spent their night🌙✨ on the ship 🛳.In the morning☀️,when they woke up🛏 they were already at the harbour.The sun☀️ was shining and there was a huge rainbow🌈 in the sky🏞.They took their belongings🧳🎒 and went off the ship🛳.They took the car🚘 they rented and went to the hotel🏨. They were happy🙂.

A spooky experience on Emma’s family ⚓

It was a hot and sunny summer’s day as Emma and her family sailed out of the harbour. They were very happy for their holiday.

When they sailed out of the harbour the ship had an accident . It hit a big stone and the water began to enter. But they hadn’t gone far and some people went with their boats for help. Emma’s father broke his hand and her mom twisted  her head. Emma lost her brother but then she found him in boat.

Everyone in the ship was scared and 30 minutes later the ship started sinking. One boat took Emma’s family in a safe place.

In the end only two people died. Emma’s dad went to the hospital. But now everyone is safe.

school end celebration

Hello Tony how are you doing?I’ve just returned from the end of school celebration that we do every 15th of June.The day started with all the students entering the school and starting the celebration with food and sports.I played football and put the most goals in the game.In the end the teachers gave us the reports and then I left the school and go to the restaurant with my friends. I am sad because I will lost many friends in the high school.Did you do something in your school? Write back Brian

A strange cruise

A strange cruise

It was a hot and sunny day as Emma and her family sailed out of Canada’s harbour. The weather was hot and sunny. All showed that the day will be excellent. Emma, her brother, her mother and her father were exciting because they were on a cruise. They are going to the Caribbean.

In 5 hours, they had arrived in the Caribbean. Emma and her family went to take the luggage. Suddenly they saw that things have lost. Emma’s brother started crying because he has lost his phone which has in the suitcase. Quickly her father called the police.

Policemen came quickly and they found the thief. Policemen said that he will go to prison for 10 years. Policemen find and the suitcase which the thief hid them.

The family was relived because they found our things and the day continued normally.