Dear Diary – #WILT

Today we learned aboutthe shops and services and we learned how they worked and what the ich one does and how to pronounce them. We also cheked our exersises and homework.

Dear Diary – #WILT

Today I learnt about concentration.

We speak about the main reasons of getting distracted (daydreaming, phones and many others) and the consequenses of them such as if you are in the class don’t paying attention to the lesson and if you are driving there is the danger of a car accident. In addition we learnt the biological reason of it which is that the brain cannot multitask on a lot of thing.

In conclusion we said some ways of not getting distracted such as focus on your main purpose and others.

Dear Diary – #WILT

today in class we learn the passive pronouns. it was really importand to know and it will help us with the exams, tests and how to speak prpper english(i already knew the passive pronouns) and as usual we did our exercises and cheked our blog postes and points

Dear Diary – #WILT

Today I learnt about Plato’s cave allegory.

This allegory is about the truth and the refusal of the people to see it.

It says that once upon a time all the people lived chained in a wall in a cave and they didn’t know about the outside world. The only light that they had was a big, always burning fire which they couldn’t see and they saw the shadows of cuts out of everything. But one day, one of them became unchained, he saw the fire and went out of the cave. Then he saw the sun and the real world and he realized that everything in the cave that they consider real was only shadows. Later he went back to the cave to tell to others about the outside world. But they didn’t believed him and consider him crazy and killed him.

It is an interesting philosophical story.

Dear Diary – #WILT

Today’s lesson was actually really interesting. We talked about a really famous philosopher’s allegory, I’m talking about Plato . In this allegory we can see that some prisoners can’t believe that there is something else out of their cave even though one of the prisoners who freed himself got out and told them. For the chained prisoners it sounded surreal so they decided to kill him. Basically the hidden message is that some people can’t cooperate with reality, they are scared of it so they prefer to act (or not) like nothing is wrong. I completely agree with this allegory, I believe that most of us, including me, are scared of the truth because it can be shocking and out of our comfort zone. I absolutely love our lesson today and I hope we do more like theseee!!!

Dear Diary – #WILT

Dear diary, today we learn modal verb,we learn injured but we learn better modal verb we did a play. Where someone did a doctor and other person had a injured

Dear Diary – #WILT

Today I learned a lot of things!. First we corrected some exercises. Then we taqlked about modal verbs and we did some exercises to practice more on it. Also we played a game with doctors and we practiced on health problems. I liked the most the game with the doctors because I laughet a lot. I didn’t like the correction of the exercises because they were difficult.

Dear Diary – #WILT

Dear Diary today I learnt the health problems.

I liked to play the patient and I was the doctor.

I liked to we played different games in class.

We didn’t do so many exercises

The lesson was great!


Dear Diary – #WILT

the last lesson we did was very interesting. the main topic we talked about and watched a video was dreams. The video was alos very intresting it gave as some ressons about why we dreaming. The ressons were "we dream to fulfil our wishes, to remember, to forget, to keep oyr brain working, to heal and to solve problems. And then we explained them and talk about em. The last 1 hour we did a quiz about dreams. it was pretty funny and enjoyable and i managed to come 2nd. We also got into pairs to do a speaking test.It was one of my favourite lessons this year!!! 

Dear Diary – #WILT

Our lesson last Saturday was about dreams. A dream is the images, thoughts, and sencations in a persons’s mind while they are sleeping. Dreaming is something that we all  experience almost everyday, but why do we dream, does dreaming have any fuction or is it just weird things hoing on in our head? Indeed dreamings has not only 1 but 5 functions, thia fuctions are giving us a message (or maybe a solution to a problem or prepare us for something we haven’t really noticed), dreaming helps us release useless thoughts, to maybe remember something we have forgot about but our subconscious knows, to practice life skills (which means to test yourself in different situations) and the last function is to keep our brain active. So basically we understood that dreams actually have so many functions that we didn’t know about. I really liked this lesson , because i liked the topic and the way we worked om it in class.