Τα Νέα του σχολείου μας

Εδώ θα διαβάσετε τα νέα και ανακοινώσεις του σχολείου μας.

Never Stop Learning: Good Luck Message to Cambridge English Exam Takers

Dear students,

As you approach your Cambridge English examinations, I want to take a moment to remind you of the importance of lifelong learning. Remember to learn from your past experiences, live in the present, and have hope for your future.

Never stop questioning, as it is through asking questions that we gain a deeper understanding of the world around us. Keep pushing yourself to learn more and expand your knowledge, and don’t be afraid to seek out new information and perspectives.

I wish you all the best of luck on your exams and in your future endeavours. Remember that no matter what the outcome, you have already succeeded by taking on this challenge and committing yourself to your education.

“Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning.” Keep this quote in mind as you move forward and continue to grow and learn. Good luck!


Mr Mike

Engaging English Learning: Using the Outdoors to Practice ‘Have Got’ and Fruits/Vegetables Vocabulary

🏃We’re (with Miss Christine) excited to share how engaged and focused students are when using the schoolyard as an outdoor classroom to consolidate the verb “have got” and revise fruit and vegetable vocabulary. Experiential learning is an effective approach to help children learn English in a fun and interactive way, while also enjoying the fresh air and sunshine.

🌎Our Myrsini’s edutainment activities help students practice using “have got” and reinforce their vocabulary. They love exploring the schoolyard to find different fruits and vegetables and learn about their characteristics and benefits.

🎩Seeing students’ faces light up with excitement and curiosity during these outdoor activities is truly inspiring. We believe that this fun and interactive way of learning English will not only benefit their language skills but also promote healthy habits and an appreciation for nature. Join us in our outdoor classroom and discover how experiential learning can engage and inspire young minds!


Mr Mike to Present at TESOL MACEDONIA/THRACE Annual Convention on Maximizing Learning with Blended AI Techniques in LMS

I am excited to share with you all that I will be presenting at the upcoming TESOL MACEDONIA/THRACE annual convention. As your Director of Studies, I am always looking for innovative ways to enhance your language learning experience, and this convention provides an excellent opportunity to share my knowledge and experiences with other educators.

My talk is titled “Maximizing Learning with Blended AI Techniques in LMS,” and I am thrilled to have the chance to showcase the ways in which technology can be used to improve language learning outcomes. I am confident that my presentation will be both informative and engaging, and I look forward to sharing what I learn with all of you.

Thank you for your continued support and dedication to your language studies. I hope to see you all at the convention! #TESOLMACEDONIA #TESOLTHRACE #languagelearning #blendedlearning #AI #LMS #educationconference #schoolnews

Integrating the blended learning approach in our school

Fusing the blended learning approach with young learners

Proposal video for the ELT Excellence award 2022

Proposal Abstract:

The post-pandemic era has seen a change in our student’s mentality toward learning. We have observed a decreased attention span and a reduced level of motivation. We argue that by using a blended learning approach, we have broadened student attention span and boosted motivational levels. We now offer a more personalised learning experience using differentiated instruction, taking advantage of student readiness levels at home and offering more choice in the way our students learn. Hence, we have witnessed accelerated learning and we feel this type of approach better prepares students for the post-pandemic digital living and digital working era.

Gold winners of the ELT Excellence awards 2022

Long description:

After the pandemic, we are no longer guaranteed that our students will simultaneously be focusing on the teacher passionately trying to deliver content in an otherwise meaningful way. Honestly, we had seen this shift in student mentality even before the pandemic, it is just that after the pandemic it has multiplied. This has given birth to a need that had arisen during the pandemic, the need for taking advantage of a mixed blended learning environment using a flipped learning approach that caters for student readiness to learn. It is not that they do not want to be given instruction, it is not that they do not want your invaluable feedback and encouragement, it is that no more can they embrace the given information at that given time. 

How did we cater for this new need at our school? 

We extended the significance of the use of technology that we saw was effective during the pandemic and adapted our approach to teaching, which resulted in redesigning the way we integrate our school’s digital platform to cater for these new needs. We opted for a blended learning approach that had us redesign our curriculum to give students access to a wider range of digital content and in our instructional design, we incorporated more student-to-student interaction and student collaboration activities out of class.

Before the pandemic, in our classroom, we endeavoured to engage students with content by using as much student-to-student interaction and collaboration as possible. This means that in class, we try to engage students with content by using various interaction patterns like teacher-student interaction, student-content interaction and student-to-student interaction. Obviously, the more active learning that we did the more design of student-student interaction that was needed and ultimately using a problem-based approach, student collaboration was what we aimed for. 

So what is different now? 

We now take advantage of the out-of-class time and get them to interact before they come to class. This led to a need to better design our courses. Having a few key points in mind we set out to ask questions like: what goals do I have for my students? how can I break down these goals into learning outcomes or steps to reach those goals, and how can I measure student success? 

In our school platform, we have integrated the use of digital classrooms and the use of a Learning Management System (LMS) to cater for these needs. Wanting to keep student-student interaction and collaboration levels higher even out of class we integrated a few more tools into our platform. We have integrated content to be accessed out of class to go with each module. This has led to more student-content interaction out of class. This helps because when our students choose to interact with the content or when they are ready to receive instruction from us they go ahead and do so. This resulted in greater interaction levels and higher levels of understanding of content. The content mentioned here comes in the form of flipped videos in both English and Greek, infographics, tables with grammar rules, and authentic examples from movies that we have prepared for our modules not only for grammar content but also for topic-level materials the student book addresses like environmental problems, the arts, and other such level based materials using more authentic materials like videos and articles to be accessed out of class. Here we always have an accountability task like a quiz or a writing activity to check whether students have completed their work. Thus, we now offer a more problem-based approach, by designing activities at home that are more engaging and interesting for students. (Look at lms5) For example, after watching and interacting with a video about environmental problems, we get students to create a drawing or some other medium offering a simple solution to this problem. There is no doubt that this is a higher-order thinking skill so we emphasize supporting our learners out of class with clear instructions and plenty of scaffolding to help them create out-of-class and a rubric to assist them in self-assessment. 

Another tool integrated into our blended learning environment is the use of discussion spaces to allow students to express their opinions, views, and understandings of matters we discuss in and out of class. This allows for better student-student interaction, because not only can they express their own view, but we have them explicitly commenting, asking questions and offering help of their own to their classmate’s posts as well. For this to be successful, you have to explicitly teach the value of this digital interaction to students and scaffold their interaction patterns. 

An additional design change implemented is completely digitising our wordlists and accountability tools for home use. Already having a course curriculum per level with core words to learn per lesson of our classes, what we did differently is create digital flashcards with sound for pronunciation practice, digital memory games, drag n’ drop activities and digital dictation activities to go with each word list. In class, after teaching vocabulary we have students write, draw and describe the meaning of the core vocabulary words in their vocabulary notebook, we also get them to interact with the digitised word lists at home. 

We have followed quality standards from an accredited organisation to adopt best practices in the design of a blended learning system. As a result of this blended learning approach, we now have the ability to offer more student-student interaction in class that results in more student collaboration which engages students with content that has already been accessed out of class. There is no doubt that to accomplish this we have had to change our design thinking underlining goals and objectives to allow for the design of learning experiences that take advantage of the out-of-class time to engage students with teacher, content and with other students, and then in class, use much-needed student-student interaction and student collaborative tasks increasing student motivation to learn and engages them with coursebook content.

Overall, we have seen an accelerated learning pattern in our students and increased student engagement.

To σχολείο μας βραβεύτηκε!🏆

Mr Mike ELT Excllence Awards 2021

Στην Αθήνα, στις 8 Ιουλίου, o Mr Mike Kenteris και το Κέντρο Ξένων Γλωσσών  KEDU Language school βραβεύτηκε από την ELT News με Ασημένιο – ELT Excellence awards βραβείο για την κατηγορία “Καινοτομία στην Εκπαίδευση”. Η βράβευση απομένει για τη μεθοδολογία που έχει αναπτύξει τα τελευταία χρόνια ο Κύριος Κεντέρης που εκμεταλλεύεται τόσο τη συνεργατική βιωματική μάθηση όσο και τις νέες τεχνολογίες για να κάνει τη διαδικασία μάθησης πιο ευχάριστη και εύκολη. Ώς εκ τούτο, το KEDU Language School έχει τις περισσότερες επιτυχίες στις εξετάσεις Cambridge English Assessment αλλά και πολλές επιτυχίες στις άλλες πιστοποιήσεις.


H ιδέα της ίδρυσης των ELT Excellence Awards σχεδιάστηκε και υλοποιήθηκε από την ELT News με σκοπό την αναγνώριση και τον εορτασμό της αριστείας στη διδασκαλία και εκμάθηση αγγλικής γλώσσας στην Ελλάδα και την Κύπρο.

Η πρωτοβουλία αναλήφθηκε έχοντας κατά νου τον καθηγητή Αγγλικών, ο οποίος έχει πάθος για τη δουλειά του, ο οποίος φροντίζει τους μαθητές του, που θέλει να αφήσει το ίχνος του στη ζωή των μαθητών του, ο οποίος κάνει πλήρη χρήση τυχόν διαθέσιμων πόρων, που δοκιμάζει νέες μεθόδους και προσεγγίσεις, που επιθυμεί να κάνει την εκμάθηση γλωσσών ουσιαστική και αξέχαστη για τους μαθητές του.

Η πρωτοβουλία λήφθηκε έχοντας κατά νου τον καθηγητή Αγγλικών, ο οποίος κάνει την τάξη του ένα «γεγονός» στο οποίο όλοι οι μαθητές θέλουν να συμμετέχουν, ο οποίος δημιουργεί νέες ιδέες και νέους τρόπους να κάνει πράγματα, που μετατρέπει μια ενόχληση σε κάτι που δεν έχει γίνει ποτέ πριν.


Πηγή: https://eltexcellenceawards.gr/ 

Συγχαρητήρια στην ομάδα ενηλίκων Proficiency

📣Συγχαρητήρια στην ομάδα ενηλίκων Proficiency και τη καθηγήτρια μας, @Vicki Loupos, που παρά της συνθήκες καταφέρανε να αποκτήσουν το πιστοποιητικό γλωσσομάθειας σε επιπεδο Γ2 ΚΑΙ με πολύ καλούς βαθμούς.
👌Huge congratulations to our KEDU Adult Proficiency team for passing the Michigan State C2 Certifications. You all did exceptionally well!
✅Maria A.
✅Maria T.
✅Natasha V
✅Sytilianos L.
✅Anna T
Ελπίζω μαζί με το πιστοποιητικό να έχετε καταλάβει ότι η εκμάθηση μιας γλώσσας δεν σταματάει ποτέ και κάθε φορά που θα έχετε την ευκαιρία να απαντάτε: YES, WE SPEAK ENGLISH 😍!

Νέα πρόγραμμα σπουδών με νέα προσέγγιση στη μάθηση

Δεν υπάρχει άλλος δρόμος! Απλά πρέπει να το πάρουμε απόφαση! Δεν γίνεται να αλλάζει ο κόσμος κι εμείς να συνεχίζουμε να μαθαίνουμε #ξένες_γλώσσες με τον τρόπο που μας έμαθαν! Οι δάσκαλοι χαράζουν τον δρόμο κι απαντούν!
🎯Μαθαίνουμε #βιωματικά!
🎯Είτε online είτε διά ζώσης.
🎯Στηρίζουμε τον κάθε μαθητή χωριστά -ενώ ταυτόχρονα ανήκει σε μία ομάδα- με πολλαπλά εργαλεία και τεχνικές.
🎯Σκηνοθετούμε το μάθημα και δημιουργούμε μοναδικές #εμπειρίες_μάθησης!
Θες να έρθεις μαζί μας; Τότε πάρτο απόφαση! Ο κόσμος άλλαξε και μαζί του άλλαξε κι ο τρόπος διδασκαλίας!
#Εγγραφές: 1η Σεπτέμβρη

Congratulations to our ECCE students

🙋‍♂️Συγχαρητήρια σε όλους τους μαθητές μας για την απόκτηση πιστοποιητικού Michigan ECCE B2 level. Μαζί σας θα θέσουμε νέους υψηλότερους στόχους και μαζί θα δουλέψουμε σκληρά!

🏆Congratulations to all our Michigan ECCE B2 level students. You showed to all what grit and resilience mean even in those difficult times we went through together. We can’t wait to see you again and have you set new goals and strive for higher achievements.
Congratulations goes out to all the KEDU teacher team. You guys rock!


We are ready for you!

Είμαστε έτοιμοι να σας δεχτούμε για τη νέα σχολική χρονιά. Είτε από το σπίτι μέσω υπολογιστή είτε στην τάξη, η ασφάλεια όλων μας είναι η πρώτη μας προτεραιότητα. Παρά τις περιστάσεις, έχουμε σχεδιάσει ένα πρόγραμμα σπουδών ισχυρό αλλά και πολύ διαδραστικό για να κρατήσουμε την προσοχή των παιδιών μας να έχουν όρεξη για συμμετοχή και μάθηση.