Integrating the blended learning approach in our school

Fusing the blended learning approach with young learners

Proposal video for the ELT Excellence award 2022

Proposal Abstract:

The post-pandemic era has seen a change in our student’s mentality toward learning. We have observed a decreased attention span and a reduced level of motivation. We argue that by using a blended learning approach, we have broadened student attention span and boosted motivational levels. We now offer a more personalised learning experience using differentiated instruction, taking advantage of student readiness levels at home and offering more choice in the way our students learn. Hence, we have witnessed accelerated learning and we feel this type of approach better prepares students for the post-pandemic digital living and digital working era.

Gold winners of the ELT Excellence awards 2022

Long description:

After the pandemic, we are no longer guaranteed that our students will simultaneously be focusing on the teacher passionately trying to deliver content in an otherwise meaningful way. Honestly, we had seen this shift in student mentality even before the pandemic, it is just that after the pandemic it has multiplied. This has given birth to a need that had arisen during the pandemic, the need for taking advantage of a mixed blended learning environment using a flipped learning approach that caters for student readiness to learn. It is not that they do not want to be given instruction, it is not that they do not want your invaluable feedback and encouragement, it is that no more can they embrace the given information at that given time. 

How did we cater for this new need at our school? 

We extended the significance of the use of technology that we saw was effective during the pandemic and adapted our approach to teaching, which resulted in redesigning the way we integrate our school’s digital platform to cater for these new needs. We opted for a blended learning approach that had us redesign our curriculum to give students access to a wider range of digital content and in our instructional design, we incorporated more student-to-student interaction and student collaboration activities out of class.

Before the pandemic, in our classroom, we endeavoured to engage students with content by using as much student-to-student interaction and collaboration as possible. This means that in class, we try to engage students with content by using various interaction patterns like teacher-student interaction, student-content interaction and student-to-student interaction. Obviously, the more active learning that we did the more design of student-student interaction that was needed and ultimately using a problem-based approach, student collaboration was what we aimed for. 

So what is different now? 

We now take advantage of the out-of-class time and get them to interact before they come to class. This led to a need to better design our courses. Having a few key points in mind we set out to ask questions like: what goals do I have for my students? how can I break down these goals into learning outcomes or steps to reach those goals, and how can I measure student success? 

In our school platform, we have integrated the use of digital classrooms and the use of a Learning Management System (LMS) to cater for these needs. Wanting to keep student-student interaction and collaboration levels higher even out of class we integrated a few more tools into our platform. We have integrated content to be accessed out of class to go with each module. This has led to more student-content interaction out of class. This helps because when our students choose to interact with the content or when they are ready to receive instruction from us they go ahead and do so. This resulted in greater interaction levels and higher levels of understanding of content. The content mentioned here comes in the form of flipped videos in both English and Greek, infographics, tables with grammar rules, and authentic examples from movies that we have prepared for our modules not only for grammar content but also for topic-level materials the student book addresses like environmental problems, the arts, and other such level based materials using more authentic materials like videos and articles to be accessed out of class. Here we always have an accountability task like a quiz or a writing activity to check whether students have completed their work. Thus, we now offer a more problem-based approach, by designing activities at home that are more engaging and interesting for students. (Look at lms5) For example, after watching and interacting with a video about environmental problems, we get students to create a drawing or some other medium offering a simple solution to this problem. There is no doubt that this is a higher-order thinking skill so we emphasize supporting our learners out of class with clear instructions and plenty of scaffolding to help them create out-of-class and a rubric to assist them in self-assessment. 

Another tool integrated into our blended learning environment is the use of discussion spaces to allow students to express their opinions, views, and understandings of matters we discuss in and out of class. This allows for better student-student interaction, because not only can they express their own view, but we have them explicitly commenting, asking questions and offering help of their own to their classmate’s posts as well. For this to be successful, you have to explicitly teach the value of this digital interaction to students and scaffold their interaction patterns. 

An additional design change implemented is completely digitising our wordlists and accountability tools for home use. Already having a course curriculum per level with core words to learn per lesson of our classes, what we did differently is create digital flashcards with sound for pronunciation practice, digital memory games, drag n’ drop activities and digital dictation activities to go with each word list. In class, after teaching vocabulary we have students write, draw and describe the meaning of the core vocabulary words in their vocabulary notebook, we also get them to interact with the digitised word lists at home. 

We have followed quality standards from an accredited organisation to adopt best practices in the design of a blended learning system. As a result of this blended learning approach, we now have the ability to offer more student-student interaction in class that results in more student collaboration which engages students with content that has already been accessed out of class. There is no doubt that to accomplish this we have had to change our design thinking underlining goals and objectives to allow for the design of learning experiences that take advantage of the out-of-class time to engage students with teacher, content and with other students, and then in class, use much-needed student-student interaction and student collaborative tasks increasing student motivation to learn and engages them with coursebook content.

Overall, we have seen an accelerated learning pattern in our students and increased student engagement.


Life in 50 years will be completely different from today. Many changes and upgrades will change life and some of our habits. The positive things that will happen will be many such as, instead of normal teachers in schools there will be a robot, technology will become more advanced, cars and all means of transport will be electric as well as the electrical energy will come from natural sources and houses may be underwater. One of the negatives is that, the food will be a little more expensive because the fruits and vegetables will grow in vertical farms where there is no natural light, also most jobs will disappear because the place of humans will be taken by robots. If all this happens, I don’t know if it will be better or not, but we will be patient and we will see the differences slowly entering in our lives!!!

Mytilene in the year 2150

Many people like to imagine what their city would look like in the future. And I am one them. So let me tell you what my city will look like in the year 2150.

Mytilene in 2150 would have many interesting and unique features. Some of them are that there would be a second part of the town on the clouds and all the clouds would be connected by bridges. To get to the second part of the city you would have to use an elavator that would travel at the speed of sound. In the first part of the city there would be wider and more roads. Also all the farms would be transfered to the second part on the clouds. But you may ask how are we going to see with no sunlight. The answer is that there would still be lot of sunlight because in the middle part of every cloud there would be a hole.

Every citizen also gets to have up to 4 drones that will help with whith his everyday chores and activities. The drones will also deliver food to their owner. But how are humans going to exercise when they will just need a drone. Every week the town will organize a day that people won’t use technology so that they keep exercising.

It’s unreal but it would be really exciting and interesting in my opinion if it truly happens. But who knows what will happen. I guess our children and grandchildren are going to find out someday.


One summer afternoon, Brian got the ida to go for a bike ride in the countryside. Then he started riding his bike. Suddenly a truck that was in front had different stones in between and one of them falls on the road, as soon as Brian rode his bike over the stone he lost his balance and fell down! go Then he went behind a rock to drink water and calm down. Also the bike broke down and he had to find a way to get home. Then a car passed by where the driver offered to take him home. After some time he reached his home and told his parents what happened!!

The best trip

Last summer I went to Samos for a week with my parents and it was amazing. Let me tell you what we did there.

First we went to the hotel we were staying. It was really nice and quite there. After we went for a swim in one of the best beaches I’ve been. There was a lot of sand and it was quite hot.

The food at the restaurants we went was really tasty as well. The last days we were there we visited some other places and I even run into one of my friends.

I highly recommend visiting Samos because there are many things to do and lots of places to visit.

Almost being a lunch

Mark and Paul were walking on the beach caring their surfboards. They found the right place and settled their chairs and umbrellas.

They went in the sea to surf. They were having a great time. Paul got tired and went to relax on the beach but Mark continued to surf.

Paul saw something strange suddenly in the sea. After he took a good look he realized it was a shark. He immediately told Mark about it. After Mark heard Paul he got out of the sea as fats as he could.

In the end he felt relieved he didn’t end up being that sharks luck.


A bike ride

One summer afternoon, Brian got the idea to go for a bike ride in the countryside. He was feeling very nice. Also, the weather was hot and shiny.

Then Brian saw a big bear in the woods and he was scared. He tried to run but his foot was stuck on a big rock. Brian didn’t know what to do so he was screaming for help but nothing.

The bear was going to him but it was looking very friendly so then Brian felt relieved and he stop screaming. The bear helped him to push the rock.

At the end of the day, Brian went home. He saw to his computer that he had to blog a post to Kedu space and then he blogged that story and Mr.Mike was happy for him.

A day in the beach

Mark and Paul were walking along the beach carrying their surfboards.It was a shiny day for surf.

Then Mark said to Paul that he wanted to go do some surfing.Paul agreed and he let him alone to surf.

When he went it the sea he was surfing very well but suddenly a shark appear and he fell into the sea he started to yelling for help.When Paul saw him he went there to help.

He saved him but Mark was very scared because he had literally been shark food.When they saw the shark getting away they felt relieved and then they said that they will not go surfing and they went home lucky.

My favourite marvel movie

Αfter the movie avengers infinity war that thanos a maniac alien who destroys planets to impress his wife death came to earth pick up the magic gems that are time, mind,space,power,fire named ego,soul,and reality.

So he destroyed the earth and killed the most important heroes of the universe such as the avengers, the guards of the galaxy, the x-men, the spider group and the four fantasies.Βut some heroes don’t killed like captain america,iron man scarlet witch,hawkeye,ant man,wasp,black widow,black panther, thor,daredevil,falcon and quicksilver how awekan the another heroes and stoped  thanos.This is the 22cd marvel movie of marvel comicks,with the help of wald disney and disney plus.


The robot teacher

Nowadays, an anough many scientis lisen for robot , will it be good the teacher robot ?

Firstly, l beliv that bibent is the robot teacher be can is very like to the student.

However the robot teacher can say the lesson many way.

As a result the will learn more.

All in all i beleve the robot teacher is the best.💯

Go for football match

Dear George,

Hi!How are you?I’m really happy,because I’m going to go for football match.I’m going to take lots of things.I’m to take my clothes,my ball and my football shoes.I’m going to take my water,too.What about you?Would you like to come with me?

Write back soon,
