Mytilene in the year 2150

Many people like to imagine what their city would look like in the future. And I am one them. So let me tell you what my city will look like in the year 2150.

Mytilene in 2150 would have many interesting and unique features. Some of them are that there would be a second part of the town on the clouds and all the clouds would be connected by bridges. To get to the second part of the city you would have to use an elavator that would travel at the speed of sound. In the first part of the city there would be wider and more roads. Also all the farms would be transfered to the second part on the clouds. But you may ask how are we going to see with no sunlight. The answer is that there would still be lot of sunlight because in the middle part of every cloud there would be a hole.

Every citizen also gets to have up to 4 drones that will help with whith his everyday chores and activities. The drones will also deliver food to their owner. But how are humans going to exercise when they will just need a drone. Every week the town will organize a day that people won’t use technology so that they keep exercising.

It’s unreal but it would be really exciting and interesting in my opinion if it truly happens. But who knows what will happen. I guess our children and grandchildren are going to find out someday.

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