Dear Diary – #WILT

My diary last Friday, in English we underlined some semantic verbs in the book and did a repetition. We played games and did some exercises. I found the lesson fast but I liked it.

Dear Diary – #WILT

dear diary last Tuesday, in English we learn about people’s synesthetes. Happy, sad, shy, angry, and more. We did some exercises on this subject and played a game.

Dear Diary – #WILT

Today we did some exercises about present simple and present continuous and then we talked about feelings. Later we wrote about our imagery holidays.

Dear Diary – #WILT

we talk about the brackets verbs and present continuons and do tasks we play a game bamboozle i like this game we rithe the mule 1 wordlist 3

Dear Diary – #WILT

Today we talked about present simple and present continuous.We did some exercises and we also played a game.

Dear Diary – #WILT

Last Friday, in English we did a replay for the features, eyes, hair, and more on this topic. We also did some exercises

Dear Diary – #WILT

Today!I think  we did present simple.We checked  excercise .That s all I think  not  I remember  something  other.

Dear Diary – #WILT

Today I learned many things. First we show aour vocabulary note books and copies. Next we e rought the words and  cheched the exercises. Then we go to studetst book and talk about the present simple and present continuous. We did ewersice 4 & 5. And we finish the leadon with a game girls and boys we lose bat… No problem 😁!!