Author: Kia Heise and Christopher Park.
This book is about little sock, a sock that wants to go to Sock City.But it can’t but one day go to the sock city with portal the washsmathin.Everywhere little sock looks at the beautiful sock city, its something new and exciting.There big socks,tiny socks,baby socks,mother socks,fother socks,grandmother socks,grandfather socks,young socks,teatcher socks,new socks,dirty socks,ghost socks , very very veryย old socks,sporty socks,police man socks,bad guys socks,striped socks,seek socs,polca dot socks,dirty socks and even smelly socks.So meny deferent socks,doing deferend things.Every day is a new aventure.Little sock had the best time in the sock city he cant go back again.Mayby he brink a friend.Lets go.Next This go back to home .
Do you recommend this book?
I recommend this book because it was enjoyable. I think you should read this book because i liked the story.
New Words: washmathin,portal,sock,city
Favourite part of the book:
My favorite part is when little sock finds Sock City and play with the other socks.
I give this book โญ๏ธโญ๏ธโญ๏ธโญ๏ธ