This story said about Daniel who play computer game and he doesn’t care about his family.
Book Review
My name is Ariadni and the title of this book is Huck Finn. This book is written by Mark Twain.
This book is about a teenager named Huck Finn who lived alone in a village but one day the widow Douglas adopted him because she felt sorry for him and wanted to help. Pap, his father, one night climbed in through the window in his bedroom and took him to a small cabin. Huck Finn made a fake show of his death and escaped. But is this the end? Did his father found him?
I give this book 10 out of 10 stars.
I think you should read this book because it was excellent!
Reviewed by: Ariadni
Date: 3 January 2024
The three seeds
One time there were three siblings Colin, Lara and Dylan . They all wanted a Pony and they asked their parents to buy a Pony each. Their dad showed them three tomato plants and told them that the best tomatoes would win a Pony because he didn’t have enough money to buy three ponies . The months passed and August came . All the tomatoes were delicious so there was no winner. Mom had a better idea. She put three seeds on the table and said that the most beautiful flowers would win a Pony. The seeds didn’t grow so Dylan and Colin went to the flower shop and got some flowers. The time came and Colin and Dylan show their beautiful flowers and dad asked “Lara where is your flower “Lara said that her flower didn’t grow and then mom said “Lara you’re the winner because the seeds were fake” . Then Dylan and Colin apologized and Lara got a Pony.
The moral of the story: we shouldn’t LIE
Puss in Boots
- This book is about a clever cat and a poor miller.
Gulliver in Lilliput
This book written by Mitchell Marileni Malkogianni.Also this book is about Gulliver’s amazing journey to Lilliput and find out everything about this strange country and his adventures there.I thing you should read this book because it does good in the mind.
My favourite gadget
My favourite gadget is mw digitizer.
We have this digitizer at home since my brother was in my age.
He liked to draw,as i like very much sketching.
Now he is vary buzy and he gave the digitizer to me.
I love it. I conect it to my computer and i can sketch.
My new gadget
My new gadget would be a mini robot.because I really would want a little friend,it would be so cool!it would run on batteries and we would dance all day!I like mini robots,I could play with them,draw with them and more!okay, let’s be honest, everyone would like a little mini robot friend right? Well…it’s time to go! bye friends!
My new gadget.
In new year I want to have a new gadget – camera “Nikon”. I have my camera, but it small, I want to have big camera to make good photos. I want this camera, because have good zoom. It’s work with a battery, and battery is from electricity
. I hope my Santa is listen me
The kids
The girl read the book and seat on a wood .The boy trying to catch the ball.The boy eating the banana.The girl drow a frog. The boy playing with robot. The girl playing a footfall. The girl sitting on a bench.
My favorite gadget.
My favorite gadget is a tablet.its big and wide,I can call my mom,dad,brother and more! I can play games to.i use it for 1 hour a week and 2 hours on the weekend.i really like my tablet,I feel happy when I come back home from school and dress in my pajamas and do my homework and play some tablet! It’s on my mom’s account though but that’s okay!I like my tablet and it has a flower case for it.
My favourite gadget
My favourite gadget is my tamblet.In my tamblet I can play a lot of games .I play roblox,stumble guys and matfut.I see in youtube Gl Friends and famous Tolis. Its case is black.It is a present from my mum and my dad for my birthday.I like it because I play games.
My favourite gadget.
My favourite gadget is smart watch. My smart watch is big and black. I have on my hand every time when i go to do sports. My smart watch is controlling my steps, and my power. Also i can read a message from my watch . And i have flashlight in my smart watch . Thanks to my father, for the present to me