My favorite animal
I have three pets and I love they both.I have tow cats Mew and Cameron and I have one dog…
I have three pets and I love they both.I have tow cats Mew and Cameron and I have one dog…
Today I learnt a lot of things. We talked about the schools in America and quarantine. Also, we talked about…
Dog is my favourite animal.It is Alex. Alex has got a small body and a small tail. They have also…
hi my name is helen . dog is my favourite animal. it is a yellow and brown have got a…
Crocodiles are green. They are wild animals. Crocodiles have got a big head and a long tail. They have got…
Nick: Look! There's a candy shop. Let's go and get some candy! Marsia: Yey I love candy!! Me: Hello! Welcome…
Dogs are black , white or brown. They are pets. Dogs have got a small head and a long tail! …
Author: Jenny Dooley - Bob Obee Summary: A day at the zoo. Carlos, Tara, Cody, Elsa and Rolo are at…
cat is my favourite animal. It is black cat have got a big ears and teeth. They have also got…
A large number of children use smartphones to communicate with others on a daily basis. What exactly are their pros…
Anastasios: Look dad! There is a game store. Let’s get something for my sister for her birthday. Assistant: Hello. How…
It was a man who had a son. When he was young was fisher. One day, he decided to learn…