DO brush your teeth twice a day. workout three times a week. eat a lot of vegetables. sleep 8 or…
DO brush your teeth twice a day. workout three times a week. eat a lot of vegetables. sleep 8 or…
My dear diary today we did repetition at module 5 and we play a game . 📙📕📗📘📖
Once upon a time, there were two girls. They lived in a cave. Girls name was Fiona and Helen. In…
Once upon a time, there were a girl and a boy. They lived in a forest. The girl's name was …
Today I did a dictation, then I played games and found the adjectives. l liked this learned.
My favourite singer -youtuber is Dixie Damelio . She has a twin sister Charli Damelio. They do a lot of…
My favourite singer -youtuber is Dixie damelio has a twin sister Charli damelio.Do a lot of things together like going …
Hi Helen It's a pity that you are addicted a lot of time on social media.I think I…
Author: Stefano Zuffi Summary: This book is one of the book series called "the history of Art". It created by…
Hi Theophania , My parents and I are having a great time here in Xanthy.We are staying in my grandma's…
My bestfriend is Nick.Nick is tall and thin,he wears glasses.hes eyes are brown.Hes hobbies are to play video games with…
I would like to go holidays in Italy because in Italy the food is delicious they have beautiful places to…