Bear in underwear.
Author: Todd H. Doodler. Summary: A bear who wears underwear (shorts) and with his friends is camping in the forest.…
Author: Todd H. Doodler. Summary: A bear who wears underwear (shorts) and with his friends is camping in the forest.…
One day me and my family went on a trip to the mountains. We started to climb, and we went…
Author: Jenny Doolley Summary: In a great green forest. There was a little cabin. There were seven friends in underwear!  …
Today we learned a lot of things.We played amon gus and i have a lot of fun today .I love…
One day the farmer planted corn and found out that the birds were going and eating them. But he thought…
In the end Jamie was relieved but the helicopter it couldn’t fly because the pilot slept . …
Author: Jenny Dooley -Bob Obee Summary: One day Cody Elsa and Tarra were paking to go camping in a school…
Author: Jenny Dooley Bob Obee Summary: This book is about the things for camping and kids. New Words: Matter,trip,mess Favourite…
The weather today is hot and sunny! Today i'm wearing my T-shirt and my shorts. It's a lovely day!
Author: Jenny Dooley - Bob Obee Summary: Cody wanted to put things in his rucksack for the camping,but they did…
Author: Summary: 1 day 4 frids go the cambing and brew of things.ROLO telig codi the things of camping.Codi sey…
Author: jenny dooley Summary: Elsa, Cody, Carlos, Tara, and Bolo are at the zoo New Words: zoo, giraffe, hippo Favourite…