The two girls and their friend!

Once upon a time, there were two girls.The two girls lived in a big and beautiful house.The name of the first girl was Maria and the name of the second girl was Margarita!The two girls also had a friend named George.One day a dragon went to the girls’house and wanted to kill them. But their friend George went to their house and drew his sword and so he killed the dragon.The girls were happy that their friend saved them and because they were scared they asked him to sleep in their house and so George slept in the girls’ house!!!!!

Kindermbel and the magic weapon to kill the dragon

Once upon a time, there were a mum and a dad.They lived in a house.The mum’s name was Kinderbel! In the house there was a bad dragon! The bad dragon wanted to steal all the children of the house. Kinderbel and dad  wanted to kill the dragon.Mum and dad started walking for 10 days to find a magic gun! They found the magic weapon in a house. They took the magic weapon and killed the dragon! Everyone was happy and they all lived happily ever after!

Fiona and Helen killed the bad dragon.

Once upon a time, there were two girls. They lived in a cave. Girls name was  Fiona and Helen. In the cave there was a bad dragon wanted to steal all the children of the cave. The children started walking found a magic sword for 20 days. Fiona and Helen killed the bad dragon!!!!!!!!!!! They found the magic sword in a mountain. Everyone was happy and they all lived in happily ever after!! !!!!!!

The Magic Sword

Once upon a time, there were a girl and a boy. They lived in a forest.  The girl’s name was  Claire  and the boy’s name was  Jim. Jim was Claire’s  friend. In the forest lived a bad witch. The witch’s name was Morgana, the queen of darkness. The bad witch wanted to steal all the children of the forest. Claire and Jim wanted the Excalibur, the magic sword, to kill the bad witch (Morgana).The children started walking for ten days to find the magic sword (Excalibur). They  found the magic sword in a cave. They took the magic sword and killed the bad witch (Morgana)! Everyone was happy and they all lived happily ever after.


I love my family!! 🧡🧡🧡                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    My dad is from Albania. He has got black hair, brown eyes and he is very tall. He is so funny, shy, cheerful and energetic.                                                                                                                                                                      My mum is from Albania . She has got black hair and black eyes. She is cheerful, funny and talktive.                                                                                                                                                                                                           My  sister has got brown eyes and brown hair. She is tall and thin. She is talktive, funny,cheerful, energetic and she has a lot of nerves 😁!!!                                                                                                                                        MY FAMILY IS MY EVERYTHINK 💕💕🧡💖💖😘😘

My day 2 years ago

First, I was at home.

Then, I was at school.

After that, I was at my Grandpa and my Grandma’s house.

Last of all, I was at home in my little bed.

That was my day two years ago!!!

My favourite animal.

Outwardly it looks a bit like a dog, but its tail is much more tufted and its coat is denser, and its snout is longer and narrower. The largest species is the red fox, which reaches a length of up to 90 cm and weighs 7 – 10 kg. The impressive thing is that her tail reaches a length of up to 60 cm, ie it is quite large compared to her body. In most species, its legs are short and slender, so its tail also serves as a means of balance…

” My cat”

Hi! I’m Jenny and my favourite animal is cat.. I have my cat her name is Kelly she has got a beautiful soft colorful fair and big green eyes. She loves playing every day, eating and sleeping.. I love her

My day 2 years ago

First, i was at home.

Then, i was at the basketball practice.

After that, i was home.

Then,i was at my friend’s house.

Last of all,i was at home in my bed.

My day 2 years ago

First, I was at home.

Then, I was at school.

After that, I was at my grandma and grandpa’s house.

Last of all, I was at the ping pong practice. . …