My 5 a day poster

I likeĀ  fruit and vegetables a lot!!!

I like apples, bananas and oranges

I like potatoes and broccoli too!

Eat five fruit and vegetables

Every day! It’sĀ  the healthy way!




I like fruit and vegetables a lot! I like melons, pears, strawberries and cherries. I like onions, carrots and broccoli too! Eat five fruit and vegetables every day! It’s the healthy way.

My 5 a day poster

I like fruit and vegetables a lot!!! I like bananas, straberries and oranges. I like potatoes and onions. Eat five fruit and vegetables every day! it’s the healthy way!!!

My 5 A Day poster

I like fruit and vegetables a lot! I like bananas,pears and apples. I like carrots and onion, too! Eat five fruit and vegetables every day! It’s the healthy way!

My favoutite animal

Hippos are red and black.They are wild animals.Hippo have got a big head and a long tail they have got big too!

I love this animal!!!










My favourite wild animal

Cheetahs are my favourite animals. They are wild animas. They have got a big body and a lang tail. They have got four big legs , small ears and big teeth.

I love this wild animal!!!