Tourism nowadays!

You may be surprised to hear that the real meaning of tourism have changed. This stereotype that tourism is severe for a country because of the cultural issue, is not valid anymore. For now on, countrys with many numbers of toursm have other problems.

The first text discusses how much modern tourism have benefit the countrys in different domains such as the diversion between humains. Moreover, tourism not only grow the population which in a way that’s good for a counry but also many tourists have helped many quaint village from their extinction. That’s why, deluxe countrys have plenty of money because of toursists visiting all this distinct scenery of a place. There is no time to kill.

The second text raises the issue of the effects of tourism at countrys such as the overpopulation which cause the overproduction wich also cause the pollution. All this flights or the massive numbers of vehicules on the road ipmact a lot of the air quality at country. Furthermore tourism affects the local industrie too by converting small old businesses. But neither locals or tourist overlook it. It’s like a raw deal.

To sum up, if governments communicated and took firmer actions, tourism will only be a benefit for a country but as a famous writer said ” a leopard never changes its spots.”

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