Dear Diary – #WILT

Today I learnt about concentration.

We speak about the main reasons of getting distracted (daydreaming, phones and many others) and the consequenses of them such as if you are in the class don’t paying attention to the lesson and if you are driving there is the danger of a car accident. In addition we learnt the biological reason of it which is that the brain cannot multitask on a lot of thing.

In conclusion we said some ways of not getting distracted such as focus on your main purpose and others.

My Pet

My pet is a cat and it is a girl. Her name is Nefertity Omorfula. Her family named xionati. Her colour is black and white. she is very quiet and sweety and it is a good pet. she is beautiful and hungy. And she is closing one of her eyes when she is looking at me.

An accident that I had

In the summer I sleot in 2 chairs . My brother pulled one and I feel down σαν watermelow and I broke my finger . I went to the hospital with my parents they do to me  ακτινογραφια     .I left here. It is annyoing and I took my γυψο very fast.

Amazing Animals

Polar bears live in the polar region They are the prettiest animals in the world. They’re very funny too! They have got a big body,a big mouth and a sort tail. They eat smaller fish 🐟 . They usually live for 42 years. Polar bears are great. They can swim! Wow! What an amazing animal!!

My favoutite animal

Hippos are red and black.They are wild animals.Hippo have got a big head and a long tail they have got big too!

I love this animal!!!











Salamanders are a group of amphibians  typically characterized by their lizard-like appearance, with slender bodies, blunt snouts, short limbs projecting at right angles to the body, and the presence of a tail in both larvae and adults.

Salamanders eat many small animals, from insects to spiders to worms. They consume several creatures that people consider pests including slugs, mosquito larvae, and flies. They will also sometimes eat other salamanders.

Salamanders are so secretive that most people never encounter them!

But because of their sensitive skin and specific habitat requirements, these shy creatures can tell us a lot about the health of our environment.

a story

One day the girl with her family went camping. The dad was cooking souvlakia while the mom was reading a book. The girl went to help his dad.

Girl- Hi! Dad. How can I help you?

Dad-Help me with another souvlaki, please.

Girl- Here you are!

Dad-Thank you!


After lunch, the family went to explore the mountain. The doy was holding the camera because he wanted to take some photos. At 10 o’clock they started walking. Mom and dad were holding the batsouni and the children were holding their bags. At 1 o’clock the family went to the end of the mountain. At the end of the mountain, it was so windy and their parents decided to back home.


My favourite wild animal

Cheetahs are my favourite animals. They are wild animas. They have got a big body and a lang tail. They have got four big legs , small ears and big teeth.

I love this wild animal!!!