Egyptian Mau

Egyptian Mau it is a domesticated breed of cat originating from Egypt to Italy. Is immediatly considered a descendant of the domesticated African wild cat, which was domesticated by the Egyptians in antiquity as it bears a striking resemblance to the  cats  depicted in ancient Egyptian frescaes. Egyptian Mau could de considered the oldest domesticated cat breed in the world. After all, in ancient Egyptian the word “Mau” means cat.

    The Egyptian Mau was created in 1956 by Natalie Trumpetsky, she transported stray cats from Cairo to Italy where she was taken out with the local domestic cats. In fact in 1977it was recognized by the CFA to be followed 3 years later by the TICA recognition.

The Egyptian Mau are polite and restrained. They love their family people ask for their attention.In fact they choose their own ” special person”. However they are wary of stangers.

Their body are medium size but is quite muscular and athletic, their ack legs are little longest than front legs which gives the more speed. Their hair are dense and glosy, while its shudes are sliver, bronze and gray. Their eyes are quite big and expressed, while their ears are medium or quit  big with enough gap between them. And they live 13 to 16 years.

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