Everyone knows who was Albert Einstein, the greatest physicist of all time, award with a Nobel prize, very well well known for his intelligence and his eccentric personal license, and his eccentric personality. These are 6 things about his life that you don’t know:

1)Einstein had learning problems in his early life. There are some reasons that show he may have dyslexia. His speech was delayed and at the beginning of his school life, he has a really bad student.

2) When he won his Nobel Prize in 1921 he transferred it to his ex-wife Maric, as part of their separation agreement, after their divorce.

3) A total solar eclipse helped Einstein to become famous. In 1915 Einstein published his Theory of Relativity but some years later in 1919, a total solar eclipse provides the proper conditions to prove his theory.

4) Although he urged the creation of the atomic bomb, he later became against nuclear weapons.

5) His death was caused by internal bleeding because of the rupture of an abdominal aortic aneurysm in 1955 at the age of 76. He was previously operated for the same reason in 1948. But the second time he refused to be operated on. He said it is tasteless to prolong life artificially. “I have done my share. It’s time to go”

6) Einstein’s brain was stolen. After his death, during the autopsy, his brain was removed for presentation and for research to be shown what made Einstein so intelligent.

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