Everybody loves travelling in order to explore new people and cultures. Ships, planes and trains help us to move around easily. Although, there are some advantages and disandvantages that tourism impacts on every country.
The first text presents the benefits that we gain from tourism by meeting different cultures and communicating with other people. Through traavelling we abolish all the silly stereotypes about the other countries and people. All the unique landscapes, the quaint villages and the off the beaten track locations make tourists to visit many new places. The idea of exploring something new and the aspiration of learning about it, it’s an ideology which many people follow.
On the other hand, the second text makes us feel really tolerated. Of course, every good thing has its bad side, so it is obviously acceptable. First of all, the environment suffers from air and land pollution because of the exhausting fumes and the unclean emissions. Morever, the small businesses which the local towns have are going to close down dute the fact that the great industries are leading the world of tourism. We must not forget the fact that the beaches and towns become dirty from the tones of rubbish tourists throw away, especially at far-flug locations. However, the last sentence of this makes us feel optimistic by telling us about the actions which hane been taken to resolve some of the problems.
To sum up, the benefits that the tourists provides are much more that the drawbacks. Although, I personally believe that we should take serious actions to resolve all the problems in order to be able to have the time of our lives unconcernlly every time we are on holidays!

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