We were stating at the board when we heard a noise. At first we thought it was a plumber because we had some problems with the toilets. Unfortunately it wasn’t! We continued our lesson and suddenly we heard the same noise but closer to us. I excused myself to the toilet because i wanted to see what was going on. At that moment i felt like someone was staring at me. On my way back to the class someone shouted my name. I turned around but I didn’t saw anyone. I sat on my chair and i told to the teacher what happened. She thought i was lying! When that noise scared us once again, the teacher went out but she didn’t came back. At least that’s what we thought! Finally it was time for break,i told my friends that we should do something. We searched a lot that night when I found that newspaper that explained the situation. The same noises scared lots of students and teachers back in 1987! The first time the kids thought it was a plumber as we thought it was. The second time ,a boy went to the bathroom and he felt like someone was looking at him. And the third time, a teacher took a look outside but never turned back such as ours. We called the principal and told him what we found. And that day..our school shut down! We moved to a new and better school,but we would never forget what happened that day!

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very interesting.. Well done!