Cold and wet , I tried to make my way home but I found a cave. I found food , water and lot of drinks a bed but that sounds strange. Then I eat and drink a lot and I go to bed to sleep . The naxt day I woke up and I saw more food and drink and I have a curiosity: How did food get here? Anyway I ate the food and I go out . The weather was sunnny and hot so I sey , that I will stay a littlle while and then I left . When I go to sleep I hear a strange noise but I thought that it was nothing . The next day I woke up and I that I was stranded and a mad scientist was holding a tube which is have inside poison . He come to me and he opens my mouth and poison get to my mouth . This poison makes you sleep for a long time . When I woke up I saw that there was a scissors and I cut the ropes and I left the cave . I’m never get again in a so strange cave again .
the cave
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nice work !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Great Michaela!!