Story time 5:The Final Battle


Tiko possesed at all the cores of vestroia and became very powerfull.But he  haven’t got the great core the strongest core in vestroia.Me with my friends went at the temple of the great core and find the bakuzombes.Bakuzomes is monsters work for tiko and destroy everything,we battle with them but we lost and tiko gets the great core and he becames a huge black,dark,evil and powerfull monsterAnd destroy the half universe and his planet vestroia destroyed too!!But hitman finds the infinity gaunlet a gaunlet with seven  powerfull stones:the time stone,the mind stone,the space stone,the soul stone,the reality stone,the power stone and the fire stone called ego stone.Thanos had  use this weapon to destroy the avengers earths midest heroes.Now the avengers came to help,hitman’s mafia,justice leageu,batman,warriors of jade.Jade is a palace of the prime family and the princess of jade Harumi is very beautiful,but we haven’t time for this.All this assempled with me and  my friends and me with the infinity gaunlet i battle tiko but the gaunlet destroyed.Now all the earth have became black and tiko win.But we don’t fall,we battle tiko with all our powers.The avengers battle tiko and thanos the mad titan.But Thanos with the infinity snap destroy the avengers.Next justice league be=attle alex luthor a evil human work for tiko.Justice league won but alex luthor with a stone destroy superman.Next hitman’s mafia battle hitman 2 ,baby hitman 3 and hitman 5 but the evil hitmans won and killed all the members of hitman’s mafia.Batman have a dangerous death battle with batjocker and batjocker defeat batman and batman became a ten years old child.At the end the warriors of jade battle with bakuzombes and the ptrincess and all the another became zombies,my friends became evil and only me remeine.I found maximous and with his armor i destroy tiko and everything became good.The next summer  my friends create a magical power and other powers and with this power we play a game called heroes.The powers is fire,diamod,ice,gold,green,earth,light,darkness,power,form,metal,gravity,poison,sound,shadow,ash,creation and other powers.We battle with our power and we defeat a lot of anothe villains.The game became tournament and the winner of the tournament is herm with the power of fire but he create a fire monster and then became vision a super hero and destroy this monser.The winter tiko returned as a robot.That time whith the armor of maximus i became the ultimate golden master and i battle with tiko and now tiko destroyed forever.The good had  won the final battle.At the end the next day we are invented at the jade palace.Maybe we have a new adventure at the palace.Like my father say every journay is a new adventure!!!!!

At the picture is dark robot tiko dragon battle with me when i a the golden master.

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