My favorite musical instrument is the Piano. The Piano is both a string and a percussion instrument. It is
made of wood. You play the Piano with your fingers. When i listen to the Piano i feel relaxed.
Musical instrumets around the world
My favourite musical instruments is the piano. The piano is both a string and a purcussion insturment.
It is made of wood. You play the piano with your fingers. When I listen to piano i feel CRAZY
My favourite musical instruments is the guitar. The guitar is a string instrument. It is made of wood. You play the guitar with your fingers. When I listen to the guitar I feel happy 😀🎸
Musical instruments around the world
My favourite musical instrument is the violin 🎻. The violin 🎻 is string 🧵 instrument.
It is made of wood. You play the violin 🎻 with a bow or your fingers.When I listen to the violin 🎻
I feel happy 😄 and relaxed 😌!!!!!
A celebration I love
My favorite celebration is New Year’s. I love New Year’s because every year the whole family gets together for dinner and we all have a great time. Also on New Year’s we open the gifts we have exchanged and they are under the Christmas tree. Little children are told that Santa Clause comes and brings them gifts, so they leave melomakarona, kourampiedes and milk under the tree for him to eat. The decoration is always festive with candles and miniatures with snowmen, Santa Clause and much more. Every year me and my family watch some show that counts down to the new year. When the clock strikes twelve in Greece, fireworks are set off and we break a pomegranate outside the door of the house. Something else is that the person who will step on the house after the New Year’s has done podariko.
Musical instruments around the world
My favourite musical instrument is the piano
The piano is both a percussion and a string instrement.
It’s made of wood.You play the piano with yours fingers.
When i listen to the piano i feel happy.
musical instroments around the worlo
my favourite musical instoment is the violin .the violin is a string insroment .it is made of wood.
you play the violin with your fingers and a bow .when i listen to the violin feel relaxed
Musical instruments around the world
My favourite musical instrument is the violin. The violin is a string instrument.It is made of wood.You play the violin with your fingers and a bow.When i listen to the violin i feel happy.👍
Musical instruments around the world 🌎
My favourite musical instruments is piano 🎹
The piano 🎹 is both a string and a parcussion
instrument .It is made of wood 🪵 . You play the
Piano with your fingers 🤌 when i lisen to the piano 🎹🎶 i feel Happy ☺️😁😁😁😁😁😁😁☺️☺️☺️☺️😁
The Smartest Person
A person I really admire is Albert Einstein. He was a famous physicist around the 20th century.
At the age of 25 he announced the general theory of relativity and in 1921 he discovered the photoelectric effect.
Albert Einstein was clever and the most well-known scientist of all time. He was always clear-headed and very precautious at his work.
He inspires me because he never gave up and he accepted his mistakes. Sadly, he died at the age of 76, in 1955, but his ideas inspire people to this day.
Musical instruments around the word
My favourite musical instrument is the bouzouki. The bouzouki is a string instrument. It is made of wood. You play the bouzouki with your fingers. When I listen to the bouzouki I feel happy.
My favorite musical instrument is the guitar. The guitar is a string instrument. It is made of wood you play the guitar with your fingers. When I listen to the guitar i fell sleeping