Easter holidays

In the first day of easter I was playing video games with my friends.At good Friday I was with my family at agios therapontas.Also there I saw Peter.At Saturday I went to my village to do there resurrection.When we left from the church we went to my grandsmother house to eat magiritsa.The other day we went again to my village to cook the sheep (It was amazing).I didn’t play with someone because I couldn’t meet with my friends.I liked more the resurrection because I was throwing with my dad some small dynamites.I didn’t like anything because all of them was amazing!

The Key

Julius found the key to the door and opened it. He was speechless. After what he saw that day he was traumatized,he tried to tell his friends but they didn’t believed him at all! So one day as they were hanging out he told them what he saw. First,he found the key in his garden. After that,he wondered where it can be used. So he went to his neighbour’s old house. He opened the door and his eyes were terrified. As he walked in, he heard a lot of noises. He walked into the living room and he saw 5 people who looked like his friends. After he was done with telling the story,again his friends didn’t believe him. So,ge went again and recorded a video. That time he talked to those people and he found that his friends were those 5 people.

my response

Hello phill Paul from grecce here your blog was great and intrusting. In my school we builded little wood houses for bird setted up a lot of recycle bins. We also started a cleaning competion and who ever cleans the most rubbish wins a big reward and now we started a counsin to find new ideas from all of us !!! and we are making sure not even a single piece of rubbish falls to the ground and we are serious about that. Anyways i just donated 10 dollars to team seas and team trees to help. Im looking foward to your next blog see you!!!!!!!!!!!!


  • At first week of Easter I played video games,I went to the church I visited my grandparents,played with my friend Theologos and I went for shoppings. At Good Friday my family and I went to the church and came on epitaphios of  Jesus Chris. At Easter Saturday  morning my mum cooked delicious food and at night we went to church and with  my friend we  threw fireworks . Then at home we ate very delicious food.
  • At Easter Sunday morning we went to Scalohori and ate lunch with my mums family. There was DJ Gregory who chose music for us and we danced and laughed a lot. At afternoon we went to Pallini my god mothers house and stayed for two days.
  • At first day of May  we went to my village Plomari and there I went for fishing ,for swimming ,I growed vegetables and I spent time with my gradmums.

I really enjoyed myself and had good memories with my family.

A comment

Hey Phil this is Bjordi from mytilini. I’m a big fan of your blog.Looking forward to your next post.the green activities that we do at my school are:Every Friday we go to parks near to our school and clean them.We are trying to go to school by riding a bike or on foot.We have a green house and we plant there fruits and vegetables and give it to homeless people. And when the day is sunny we do lessons outside.


Julius found the key to the door and opened it. It was the key which opened the door to the attic. His grandma told him that there was something mysterious, living there. They had lost the key but one day they found it . It was behind the fridge. When his grandma went to the grocery store. Julius decided to go up there. He was kind of scared. He heard a very strange noise. He screamed . But up  there was the family cat Whiskey. She hid some of her kittens to protect them. He was so relieved and returned back to his room.


Nikola Tesla was a Serbian-American engineer and physicist. He was born in 1859 in Smiljan, Croatia. Tesla studied Maths and Physics at the Technical University of Graz and philosophy at the university of Prague. He invented the first alternating current motor (AC) and developed AC generation and transmission technology. Tesla died in his hotel suite room on January 7, 1943 85 years old .

My answer to Phil’s questions

Hi Phil!

This is Egla from Greece. Great blog!

In my school we clean the school garden, recycle waste from the school canteen and plant trees on our school garden.

From now on I am gonna start recycling more and together with my friends we are gonna clean up parks or forests next to our house.

Looking forward to your next post!


In the first week of Easter I was in my grandmother’s village. I was very happy as every Easter and summer my uncle, my aunt and my cousin come. On Good Friday I was dressed an alter boy and we walked around the epitaph in the village with other children. On Easter Saturday we all went to church, took the holy light and then threw fireworks and dynamite. On Easter Sunday which was the most beautiful day because we grilled meat and then I went for a walk with my friends in the mountains. What I didn’t like was that my cousin didn’t stay long on the island because he was studying and had to leave but it was a very nice Easter !!

What I did at Easter

At easter, I had such a great time! For the first time, I went to my grandparent’s house.

Also, I went for the first time to a new jumbo and I shopped a lot of things. I did two drawings from kamva

. On Friday I went to church but I went to my grandparent’s house and I saw the fanarakia and It was great!

On Easter Saturday in the morning, I went to church. After that, I went to my grandparent’s house and we ate breakfast. Afterwards, we went to the restaurant with my cousin George with his parents and the restaurant was near the sea and we had a great time!

On Sunday we went to my cousin George’s house and we ate lunch and we had a fantastic time! On Easter, I saw the sea, the church. Also, I saw shopping star and played Minecraft.

The most I like most was I went to a new jumbo for the first time and it was so beautiful! But I didn’t like it on Friday it was so tired day because I returned back home at 10 o’clock at night but the easter was so amazing!

My Easter

The frist week I rested on Good Friday I went to the epitaph on frist Saturday I went to the Resurrection and I saw a friend  after a while I played with my brothers what I liked is the fireworks There I liked everything  this was my easter