
Narnia is a book series of c.s, lewis .There are seven books,the wardrobe the lion and the withch witch the pevensey childs must save their brother for a white witch,prince caspian that the childs must save narnia for his uncle,the dawn traveler withch 2 pevensey. and their bad cousin must go back to narnia to save some lost lords found aslans country and destroy a evil dark green mist of the dark island who can take control of your mind and make truth your darkest dreams then the silver chair who is about the cousis and his friend zoithat trying to save prince caspian that is trapped into a dark,ancient and powerfull magic silver chair from the lady of the deads,the underworld and lava the qweeen of the world or witch with the green clothes the 5 book is the boy and his horse who trying to protect narnia from dark wizards as narnia coming to her end,at sixth book we going back 40 yeaars when prophesor digory kirk and poly found the magic rings and show the creation of narnia by aslan but they create the white witch by mistake and then they try to defeat her and at the last book the evil army have destroy and take into darkness every realm including earth,now proffesor kirk,poly,susan,lusy,edmod,piter,their cous zoi,aslan,caspian and every friend and allie of narnia battle to the end to stop the evil. army that trying to bring the eternal darkness back to narnia,aslan destroying narnia and every evil army and he get the narnins and their friend to a new world the world of aslan(but not susan who stop believe i aslan).Narnia have 3 movies from the 3g first books and j.k rowling has create harry potter by the idea of narnia like every new famous fantasy writer.The best friend of lewis was the creator from lord of the rings!!!

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