Secret event loading… Have you been invited to the Mad Hatter’s tea party? If so you at 5pm! (look on your classroom wall!) If not maybe next week!
🎅Το Σαββατο ☃19/12, 7μ.μ φοράμε τα κόκκινα μας και συνδεόμαστε όλοι μαζί και με άλλα σχολεία σε όλη την Ελλάδα και Κύπρο και τραγουδάμε, παίζουμε και χορεύουμε με τους ήχους από τα Χριστουγεννιάτικα τραγούδια.
Hey, guys❣️ Mission1 is over and we are waiting on the board to select the winners🌠⭐️. We still have mission 2 the vocabulary notebook game!!! 🥽Have a look and I think you will make a fun and interesting activity which we can play in class too❣️
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Hi, Everyone, Hope you are all well!! The first spelling Bee didn’t go too well so I have already made plans and Plan B for next Saturday!. For everyone who entered the zoom room for the first Spelling Bee you will see that you have a new badge!! If someone didn’t get a badge let us know!!
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