Ο Mr Mike το προσωπικό του KEDU Language school – Kenteris EDU κ γω σας ευχόμαστε Καλές γιορτές με ευτυχία, οικογενειακή γαλήνη κ προσωπική ευτυχία 🧑🎄
Ξανά μαζί στις 9 Ιανουαρίου 2023🎈🎀 -
Exciting news! The results of Mission 2 Final Wordlist Challenge are in and it looks like a few names have taken the top spot again! Congratulations to all of the participants and a big thank you to KEDU.space for making it all possible. #finalwordlistchallenge #keduschool
Don’t forget to wrap your present! Secret Santa Monday and Tuesday! *Remember up to 3€ for a present only.
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This year again we will be having our Secret Santa Challenge. This week is the lottery phase to select the names of the students you will get a present for! Remember, your name is in the hat too! Present can be no more than 3€ or you can make a present of your own to give!
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