🚨Another session of StoryLab book reading club this Saturday at 6pm. This event is open to all our students. We also have guest students from a school in Athens. This Saturday 13th March, attend 🤡dress-up and wearing a 🤿costume!
📣Ακόμη μια συνάντηση του StoryLab αυτό το Σάββατο στις 6μμ. Σας διαβάζουμε βιβλίο και κάνουμε και ενδιαφέ…Read More1 Comment -
Become a beta tester of our Android app!! Click here and download our app before it is released!
Γίνετε δοκιμαστής του KEDU Space School App πρώτοι! Πατήστε εδώ από το κινητό σας να το κατεβάσετε! https://play.google.com/apps/testing/appkeduspace.wpapp -
⚔⚔Houses of KEDU season 2 – the return⚔⚔.
It’s time for a new challenge at our school. We are waiting for your entries now… (KET, PET, B2, C2 level)
#housesofkedu #ChallengeAccepted #challengeyourself #gamification #letsmakewritinggreatagain -
Αγαπητοί γονείς και παιδιά,
Σας ενημερώνουμε ότι λόγω των νέων ανακοινώσεων του υπουργείου και των αλλαγών που αυτές επιφέρουν, ξεκινάμε τη Δευτέρα 11 Ιανουαρίου με απογευματινό ωράριο όπως ήταν πριν το lockdown (Πληροφορίες ωραρίου θα αναρτηθούνε στο Space από Παρασκευή απόγευμα). Είμαστε έτοιμοι να σας δεχτούμε στις ψηφιακές μας τάξεις για λίγ…Read More2 Comments -
Hi, Everyone, Hope you are all well!! The first spelling Bee didn’t go too well so I have already made plans and Plan B for next Saturday!. For everyone who entered the zoom room for the first Spelling Bee you will see that you have a new badge!! If someone didn’t get a badge let us know!!
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This is me

Mr Mike Kenteris
Director of Studies
Hi Guys, I am Mr Mike! I just wanted to tell you that I am really happy that you are with us at this school!
My goal is for you to enjoy yourself while learning best the English language! Hopefully, you guys are having fun together. If you ever need anything, please just come and ask me. I am always here for you!
My favourite photos
Video production
Riding my bike
What I know!
Public speaking skills
I enjoy speaking English and learning new things
My friends

This Saturday at 6pm!