If you have learnt about the Past tense, then you need to pratice your Irregular verbs! (>Senior A)
Mr Mike is
feeling Cool
Πληροφορίες για το My Courses.
Hope everyone is having fun!
And in order to enhance their passion for reading, we let them choose the books they want to read!
📚 Here at KEDU English School, we love reading, and we love books!
📚 We love the smell of them, the way they feel, and we like nothing better than getting lost in a good story.
📚 Do you like books? What’s your favourite book in English?
We had our Hellenic American Union B2 ABLE exams over the weekend. Good luck to all our students!
What is your favourite swimming place? Mine is Charamida!
Mr Mike is
feeling Excited
Καλοκαιρινή ενισχυτική! Εμείς είμαστε ακόμα εδώ το καλοκαίρι. Όποιος επιθυμεί να έρθει ένα πρωινό να επικοινωνήσει με την γραμματεία!
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