Hey, guys❣️ Mission1 is over and we are waiting on the board to select the winners🌠⭐️. We still have mission 2 the vocabulary notebook game!!! 🥽Have a look and I think you will make a fun and interesting activity which we can play in class too❣️
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This mission finishes tonight!! Please upload your mission before 11:30pm at night!! 29/11/2020!!
Hi, Everyone, Hope you are all well!! The first spelling Bee didn’t go too well so I have already made plans and Plan B for next Saturday!. For everyone who entered the zoom room for the first Spelling Bee you will see that you have a new badge!! If someone didn’t get a badge let us know!!
Νέο βίντεο για τα book reviews!!
Just a reminder for our game rules! Θα ήθελα να σας θυμίσω τους κανόνες του Space! Υπάρχει μια σελίδα που μπορείτε να δείτε πιο αναλυτικά το πώς παίρνετε K.redit points.
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OK Mr Mike