Hi today am gona tell you my favurite things that i like to do.
first of all am gona tell you what i like to do in my free time.
on my free time i like driwing or i like to play compyuter games.
my favurite sport is football and am realy good at this but am beter on drowing.
i like drowing white and blak i dont like drowing with markers.
my favurite shcool sabgect is maths and geogrfi.
my favurite corol is purple and my second favurite is red.💜💖
am ten years old.
ohh yes i forgot to sey my name so my name is Sarados mesiakaris.
and my favurite emoji is this💀☠💩🐱👤and this two༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ ( ̄︶ ̄*))
Hi is me
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