Harry potter and the cursed child is a theatrical play by J.K. Rowling and is the 8th book of harry potter franchise. In this book, Harry Potter and Ginny Weasley have 3 children and the youngest of them, Albus Potter with his new friends at Hogwarts school Scorpius Malfoy the son of Draco Malfoy and Rose Weasley want to back in the Triwizard tournament and save Cedric Diggori who have killed by Voldemort. They meet the father of Cedric , Amos and a young girl who tell them she is the daughet of Amos but she’s the daugher of Voldemort and she want’s to destroy everything in the world for her father. The childen make a paradox at time and space and they create a portal inside the multiverse. But the daughter of voldermort want her father to won at the battle of Hogwarts.For this he creates a another reality.At this reality voldermort have won the battle and everything was controlled by dark magic. Scorpius will save his friends but the child of voldermort is near them and Albus have a family legacy he neve want…
Harry Potter and the cursed child.
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