Examples of Friction.

1Diving of a vehicle on a surface.
2applying brakes to stop a moving vehicle.
4walking on the road.
5writing on a notebook or at a blackboard.
6flying of airplanes.
7 drilling a nail into wall.
8 sliding on a garden slide.
Inside all the objects there are molecules, inside there are atoms and 1,000,000,000,000,000 of them could fit inside the head of a pin. These consist of the core which has the protons with a positive charge and the neutrons with zero charge and next to them there are the electrons with negatively charge. At the end inside them there are 2 different types of quarks. At friction, when we rub a straw who is negatively charged with a towel that is positively charged then the straw is also positively charged. When we approach it with another straw that is negatively charged they attract because of the different charge. Sometimes the type of electrism is static because if to things have go the same charge then the electrons get at another object with friction and inside theisobject can’t get out of it because they are static .We don’t know more things about friction but science has got a big way.Can you tell as some examples of friction?

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