The book is about a boy whose name is Dan and a girl whose name was Sue.In his village they had a fete which mean a celebration and Sue was new there and her family too.They met there and she looked unhappy about and Dan understood it.He wanted to make her happy so bought her some ice cream with his brothers money that had left.Basically,Sue was unhappy because someone was bullying her at school called nemesis ..Dan didnt what to do but wanted to help to discover this strange person thaat sends these to her.So,before a concert they had to be prepared tomorrow he went to the specific place to search who will appear because he thought this was the plan of nemesis.Some hours later ,when there were three of them Chloe,Dan,David were waiting for the person to come.Suddenly they hear a crack on the door and someone sneaking inside the place.When they saw it going at the piano with a torch they open the lights and see who it is ..They couldnt believe their that it would be Alice that plays violin.At the end of it ,she apologized and had fun at the concert!
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