• Profile picture of Maria Sia.

    Maria Sia.

    4 years, 9 months ago

    Christofer Columbus was born in Italy in 1451.and was a dreemer.He dreamed of reaching the Indies by sailing around the world.Columbus needed sailors and ships.He asked the King of Portugal John for help,the king said no.
    He asked the king Ferdinard and queen Isabella for help amd they said no.
    In 1490 in Cordoba he asked again the king and the queen but the answer was no.
    In January 1492 Columbus kept asking after many years,the king and the queen finally said yes.
    On 3rd August in 1492 he sailed from the port of Palos in Spain with 90 sailors and three ships.The shipa were the Nina,the Pinta and the Santa Maria.They sailed the ocean for over nine weeks.
    A few days later one of the sailor saw land.It was the island of Hispaniola.It was October the 12 of 1492.
    He thought he had arrived in the East Indies.
    Columbus never knew that his dream brought him to a new land, the America

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