LMWM Challenge: A story about one of my days

One day I went on a walk with a friend. Both of us like to listen to music and sometimes to sing the lyrics. We were heading to High street, to meet with some other friends.


Then as we were walking, we were listening to a song by Plo G, and it was the part that I knew the lyrics and I started singing. As soon as I started saying the lyrics I saw the one and only Polo G. He was looking at me weirdly, and when my line ended, my friend and I went towards him to take a picture. Then he said to me “you sing very nice kid! So, you like my music, right?” and I said, “yes” to him.


After our conversion, he recommended I went with him to his studio. He wanted me there to record and see how my voice is on the mic, for a remix or a song. When he said that, my heart started beating fast with excitement and because I was anxious and I asked my friend to pinch me to see if this was actually real. After that he told me to say a couple of lines for a  remix and some more for a song to see if my voice fits nicely to the whole song.


If you’re expecting this story to end with… “then I woke up”, you’re going to be disappointed because it actually happened. This is the part when I left the studio and I headed to my home with my friend, and before leaving Plo informed me that he will call me when he decides if I’m right for the job. So if you hear of a famous singer Stratos K, it’s me!

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