We battle with the thiefs but a strong thief with fire blasters get 2 peoples and burn a mountain of vengestone.He get the fired vegestone and dissapear then at the prison a dark monster that called dementor went to the prison and free some criminals like the king of evil snakes pythos his destructible snake daughter aspheera a dark wizard that controls every evil bein raczidian or scull sorcerer a thief that likes to stole electrical machines the mechanic,a mad sciencist who have create a pyle for the multiverse joinorio and a robot without name.We haunt those criminals that escaped for prison we battle with them raczidian send a 100 of dementors to burn everything python and aspheera awake the snakes army the giant and the werewolfs the mechanic joinaoi send some multiversal peoples and godes and the robot without name stole very vengestone.They found the thief with fire blasters and his helpers and other vengestone thiefs they give the vengestone to their lord the vengestone buyerand they went into a home of purple and black crystals.I think i have sow them again in the battlev with tiko.I follow them and the sit into a desk the vengestone buyer tell that his lord will arive and the will make a undestuctible army of vengestone crystal soldiers.At the end i battle with the buyer and his mask broken the buyer was harumi and she want to bring back the lord tiko.I can’t do nothing to stop the crystal council th soldiers created by vengestone starn attacking at the city and the casstle posses and school and start bringing everywere crystals in the city in one day tiko will be more powerfull than ever…
Story time 9: the vengenstone buyer.
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