We were looking at the board when we heard a noise. We all got scared and went out of school, our teacher was the eldest in the school and the bravest for that stayed inside and tried to see what was happening. Suddenly we saw some shadows outside and went inside as it was safer. Our teacher, who had gone to the office, was a little late and we went to see if something had happened. We went down slowly and saw him falling down and saying strange things. Some children with me stayed close to the teacher and we were thinking about how to help him and some others left. After a long time we thought of taking the teacher to my house because I was staying close to the school so that we could all be safe. Despite the first aid we gave him, he continued not to speak. So we called an ambulance. As soon as we called 166 our teacher spoke to us and told us to hang up because it was all a prank and it was not true then we all got angry with him and the other kids who participated but in the end we all laughed and we will not forget it never!!

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Your awesome, John!