This book is about a man Socrates who was admired for him wisdom, genius, his sincerity, ideal but not for his appearance. He became an Athenian philosopher at a later age in life. Taking after his father sculpture became his trade. He also had three sons and a mean wife. Sometimes he would stop walking in the middle of the road and people would call for him for hours while his thoughts were in command. But philosophy was not his only interest. He fought hard in three battles and he even saved Alcibiades from a sword! He had such high stamina, that the change in the weather never fazed him. He also loved the art of dialogue-many conversations he would initiate. He would also start asking questions and see what kind of answer they will create. He had many questions about life like ” What is friendship?” or ”What is courage?” and he waited for the answers… He taught him many theories, often daring and surreal. His ideas were so bold, he questioned if the gods were actually real! This enraged many-poets, orators and politicians. So ,the court decided that it was blasphemy to put the gods into question. Socrates was sentenced to death for his ideas were so large-scale. Many students and friends immediately visited him in jail. ” We’ll help you escape,” they told him with defiance. But Socrates respected the law and believed in complete compliance. After he drank the deadly poison, his eyes closed forever. However, his teachings remained, throughout the ages they prevailed. Thus, Socrates was never forgotten and as a divine philosopher he is hailed.
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Favourite part of the book:
my favourite part is when he had taught many theories, often daring and surreal.
I give this book