I like a lot of singers but my 5 favourites are Trannos,Mad Clip,Light, Rack and Toquel.
Trannos is one of the new rappers in Greece and my favourite song is Oplo.
Mad Clip was born in New York on May 25,1987 and died in a car accident on September 2,2021.One of my favourite songs is Mia zwh.
Light was born in Thessaloniki on January 26,1995 and my favourite song is ku je ti.
Toquel was born on December 6,1994 in Albania and for a very young age he came to Greece with his family.He started his career as rapper in 2012.My favourite song is Autoktonia.
Rack was born in Athens on November 24,1999.His real name is Hraklhs Marzenos and my favourite song is BCC
Wonderful Egla!!