It was a nice ,sunny day.I Was prepearing to go to the park with my dog,i was waiting some comics in the mail so i checked in the mailbox.At first I was sad because i didnt see my new comics but i saw a letter,I oppened it and saw what it had incide it was something like this<< Hi Kostas long time no see its me Mark from highschool. Sadly I lost your phone number but I remembered your address! If its you reading this i wanted to inform you of our highshool reunion which is held in the local pizzeria where we used to meet at.The reunion is on Sunday but my car is damaged so if you can come and picc me up at 5:30 am.Love Mark.>>
The day finally came it was Sunday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I went to get Mark from hes house.I was so excited to see him.We talked in the car as we were going to the pizzeria.When we arrived i was extatic to see all my old friends.We all played pinball and pool and ate lots of pizza together.
We had lots of fun and i would do it again 100 times!!!!!!!!!!!!
hope its good!!!