A little girl named Dorothy, together with her dog Toto were taken by a cyclone and landed in a country named Oz. Then they started a big journey to find the Wizard of Oz who could take them back home. During their journey they met: a scarecrow who wanted brains, a tinman who wanted heart and a lion who wanted courage. All of them together arrived to the wizard’s city nameed “Emerald City”. The wizard advized them to kill the Wicked Witch of the West. A hard fight followed. Dorothy and her friends kill the Wicked Witch of the West. The Wizar of Oz gave the scarecrow, the tinman and the lion what they had asked for but couldn’t take Dorothy and Toto home.Then they went to the Good Witch Glinda who took them home.
New Words: courage, thick, grunt
Favourite part of the book:
My favorite part is when the Good Witch Glinda sent Dorothy and Toto back home.
I give this book