Romeo and Juliet

Author: William Shakespeare

 The title of this book is Romeo and Juliet, written by the most famous theatrical author, William Shakespeare, who lived in 16th century in England. His plays are still the most popular, and they are performed even nowadays, move often then the plays of any other playwright.

 Romeo and Juliet is the greatest love story of all time. It is a tragedy written by Shakespeare early in his career, but it has become the most popular love story of the world. It takes part in the town Verona, Italy , where the fatal hate between the two powerful families Montagues and Capulets , prevents the love story between their children Romeo and Juliet.

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In the end of the story the tragic couple gets married and their love drives them to death. So, the two families agree to end their violent hat forever. It’s a really good story. I like it very much. I have watched it even as a movie. The book is very good! I think that everyone would love reading it.
I give this book ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

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